Allow me to share my sentiments on some of the drawbacks of trying to find peace in blaming anyone you think is partially or fully involved in that damning predicament you once encountered or you are currently facing. It is worth noting that some of us have come across different hassles apparently brought forth by one of our beloved friends, acquaintances, family members or any ordinary figure for that matter, and tried to find peace by blaming that particular mortal.
As an advocate, living testimony and my many years of existence in this agonous world, I stand to be realigned if all that I’m sharing with you happens to be deemed as pseudo or naive. First of all, blaming the next figure not only presents a major setback on your possibilities of mental growth, but it also brings forth virulence on you as the blamer. And just to shed some light on the term ‘virulence’, my Oxford English dictionary clearly explains it as ‘to be filled with hatred’, and yes, that is how brief the meaning is. Well, as human beings we tend to feel composed when we hold the next person accountable or being the causal factor to our predicaments.
Virulence is associated with vindictiveness, which puts the blamed person at risk of any perilous harm from the blamer or perhaps any activity that the blamer may resort to, in order to eradicate or ease the felt indignation. As human beings, the Lord our Creator didn’t programme us to automatically grow mentally but it’s an activity that we should try to adopt gradually and, I’m afraid, blame antagonizes that. God also bitterly detests revengeful mentalities.
Revenge can deter you from growing mentally in the sense that one spends most of his or her delicate time thinking that, if it wasn’t for figure X then none of this would have happened and would at times also ignore the stance of forgiving that person. Forgiving renders us an opportunity to focus on more important things in our lives, so if you don’t forgive you are just being unfair and setting yourself back by a considerable degree of self betterment. God forgives those who sin and I surmise we all are subject to that. Solutions to finding solace after someone has wronged you, may be seeking guidance from God through persistent prayers. Of course there is nothing so finely felt as betrayal, but I’m afraid it’s a panacea to a healthier noodle and a continuously forgiving mindset.
Trying to talk with that person such as, telling he or she that what happened wasn’t at all cool but putting all that behind you may come in handy. Understand that as human beings we are not perfect and we are all subject to mistakes; you too can be blamed one day and worse could even happen. I can be very pleased if we can halt hardening our grip on blame, but instead try to forget about everything and always strive for the future. Get the ball rolling, great things are waiting for you.
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