It must be a daunting task to have sat in the lap of luxury all your life and have absolutely no experience of rock bottom. I say this because there are people who have never tasted nor experienced struggling at any point in their lives, therefore they go through most of their lives fighting to uphold their status quo and further doing just about anything to maintain their accumulated wealth.
This is where corruption steps in, but don’t get me wrong; there are also individuals whom once they’ve tasted wealth fear reverting to the struggle or to be more precise, poverty, by performing every trick in the book just to get their hands on some cash.
For some people it’s a pride thing, whereby the supposed corrupt individual cannot begin to accept the humiliation they would encounter if they would lose all their riches.
Corruption is not at all an isolated occurrence, it’s not only prevalent in the country but it is in fact a worldwide practise. Corruption is unfortunately a result of inherent moral decay. It erodes trust, weakens democracy, hampers economic development and further exacerbates inequality, poverty, social division and environmental crises. Every person has a certain level of moral decay, just some more than others.
What feeds this habit of corruption is the unlikelihood of corrupt individuals getting caught. With all the Acts we have that were deliberately made for the sole purpose of apprehending corrupt individuals and an Anti-Corruption Commission to add to the mix, we still rarely see their apprehension.
What has happened to those who have over the years spent government funds unaccounted for, embezzled millions and have defrauded many individuals, such that they are still living large despite the fiscal challenges facing the State? Zilch!
One can be forgiven for thinking if your crime makes just the right amount of millions in the country, then you are unlikely to be prosecuted. This should not be the case.
Every criminality happening should be dealt with accordingly, and this should include those in the upper echelons and those who are supposedly untouchable.
We all need to come to the party, especially the State, and deal with all and not just some as corruption is still at the core of the issues we see dominating this country yet no one is looking into it enough.
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