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Success can truly be a devil in its own right. It is what most people, including myself, want. There’s some element of darkness in success, it’s not at all an evil concept, it’s meant to drive us and draw us closer to the finish line, but usually at what cost? We are all aware of the lengths people are willing to go to be successful; there’s no grey area here. People will stomp, kick and scream their way to success because success equals money, stature and power.However, we need to rethink our journeys to success, we can’t leave people by the wayside and kill our way to success and we can’t overstress ourselves until our blood pressure files a complaint.


We need to look within and consult the inner man on how to attain success without destroying someone else or even worse, without destroying ourselves.The key to this is realising the importance of your inner-being, this could either be your thoughts, your soul or spirit, your inner peace or even your level of happiness. These seem far-fetched in relation to success, but they are the principal things that sustain that success once you have attained it. As much as we can try to downplay the importance of our inner self, the truth is, your inner self is where it all begins. Those goals you set for yourself, that win you so badly need, require you to fix ‘you’ in order to attain them. It’s easy to avoid looking within due to fear that you might not like what you see, maybe you might just find out that you fall under the category of people who condone the dark side of success, eg ritual killings, backstabbing, etc.


Nonetheless, it’s pivotal that we all do some soul cleansing and get to the bottom line. These challenges that we are facing as a county require us to revisit ourselves and try to get to the root of the issues that are stopping each and every one of us from ‘making Eswatini great again’.We can’t just solely rely on government when we are responsible for our own lives. Lord knows we are tired of criminals, murderers and corruption.


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