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There is a saying that nothing remains the same forever and this applies to people and societies. What we used to be as emaSwati thousands of years ago is no longer what we are today; and while we have the dignity to try and preserve what we used to be and instil the value of importance in our cultures and way of life, reality remains the same.

We are from our ancestors and the people who died for our freedom and those before the ones who existed before slavery because they are a pivotal part of self. History is important because when we make the same mistakes without understanding how we have been in the same position countless times, it is bound to repeat itself and today is evidence of the very same thing.


Looking into the history of African people and the present that they live in, it is imperative to understand that we are in a cycle, a cycle which the master merely changes, but the game is the same. This is not merely in retrospect of our country, but that of our continent and our failure as Africans to be liberated as we claim. Some would ascertain that this is not a claim and that we have been successful in being liberated because in the eyes of many Africans, it is no longer the face of a Caucasian that they see nor is it their table where African leaders sit.


Therefore, it is important to question the extent and the understanding of what oppression is and what it was brought down to during its time. Do we draw the line of oppression and colonialism on skin colour as a mark of its existence and understanding? Or do we study and make sense of the principles that governed colonialism and if these principles are still a part of our society today; maybe in a different form?

Years ago, African ancestors did not question the leadership of those who oppressed them out of powerlessness and today we are not questioning the power of our leaders out of helplessness because of the different laws and the mirage in which these systems have been set up as though meant for the good of Africans.

The biggest issue is that in gaining independence, we did not gain the essence of freedom, we were simply won over from a vicious animal, to one of a slow death and this is seen because in all the years that we have been independent, there is very little to show for it. We are the same people who were stricken by poverty while we wake up every day to see leaders who are meant to be our voice and our nurturers live lavish lives.


And this brings us to the very essence that a leader who perceives themselves as too deserving can never be understanding of the plight of his people because he gives to himself more than he gives to anyone. A man is seen as a vouch-able candidate to take over from the coloniserbecause of his struggle, because he is on the ground and suffering with the community in the fight for freedom.

However, as soon as he gets the rule of power or the seat to govern, he shifts from the ground to a place of access of resources and comfort.It is rebellion that gave Africans the freedom they have from colonialism, it is that same rebellion that will liberate Africans from poor leadership and coated oppression and that cannot be changed, though a slow turning occurrence.

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