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The journey to maturism is filled with many mysteries and surprises. There are only a few things you have under your control and even then you still have to decide what is good and not for you. Along the way you discover that there are certain things you can tolerate and some you cannot and the reality is you have yourself to answer to at the end of the day.

What you decide is best for you is only brought about by what you feel you can run with, more often than not the things that hurt you most. I guess in this world we live in and in line with understanding that not everything is under our control, we develop an attitude to take what we can and discard what does not build us.


The unfortunate or rather fortunate lessons we find along the way are that every decision we take is to our advantage – whether good or not – and that takes decision-making. Someone once said opinions are like buttocks; whether we like them or not they are stuck to us. Now this may sound lewd but the truth of the matter is we all sip from the well of life and what life gives in return is not always what you expected but what you need.

I have always wondered why when people, especially those who attend church, feel like the day’s teachings are directed at them and they take offence. Learning to listen to your conscience is a virtue and if you feel like everything is directed at you, it is only because you are at war with your guiding light and that is your battle to win.


We do not yearn for the lessons we learn in this journey but we are privy to live and by so doing we find comfort in everyone who shares our ideals. Take note that this we do because we have touched the ball of flames we have always been told is hot.

Though curiosity makes us work to defy the advice we receive, we always want better results regardless of what we know we may discover and because of that, we feel the pain when we end up on the losing side for we always want things to go in our favour.

Now I am sure that if you were to recount the last time you were single you would probably count more than a decade of years, but once you lose that special someone you discover your true self without the next person. The joy in finding out what makes you happy lies in discovering that you do not need someone else to bring you happiness.


It begins and ends with you. A person may only share similar experiences with you but at the end of the day, but only you know what makes you whole. And what makes you whole is not necessarily what makes you who you are but what builds you towards a better you.

The beauty of life, in way or the other, is that it teaches you to take your transgressions and turn them to gold. Sometimes the pain we go through is the perfect way to make us realise that along this way we trudge through we need ups and downs to find ourselves and once we do that, we discover our pain is not ours alone but the kind of thing we need to say ‘ hey you are not alone’.

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