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Bad governance is definitely a liability to any nation. In order to survive and make it in the modern world, a nation requires the capacity and ability to determine its economic, political and social priorities to cultivate and develop sound policies as well as to translate policies into strategies and strategies into action. The civil service must be run with competence, integrity and excellence.

A disorganised and unskilled civil service is a recipe for failure. Therefore, leaders must not allow the civil service to be incapacitated by favouritism, indiscipline, corruption, the disregard of merit or experience and low pay.


Eswatini culture is endowed with many good elements like strong family ties, generosity and a wonderful community spirit. However, there are aspects of our culture that are serious hindrances to development and progress; for example our lack of respect for time. It is imperative that we wake up to the importance of managing time.


We must spend time and money on key things that matter in the context of economic and social development. We must stop embracing the spirit and attitude of disorganisation. One of our great weaknesses is that we are very disorganised and we tolerate this. If we are to conquer poverty and underdevelopment, we must intentionally get organised in our dealings.

In order for us to navigate around the unfair global economic system perpetuated by former colonial masters, we need to develop an education system that will empower our young people not only in the academic realm but also in the area of creativity and innovation.


In this way, not only are we going to minimise the importation of certain goods, we will also be able to develop indigenous industries. As a people we must believe that it is possible to make our societies and nation better. We must embrace maturity, rise above our differences and build our nation. Unity is a powerful force; together we can do more.

We must bring together our strengths for the common purposes of making our nation better economically, socially and politically and this will require humility and maturity. A humble person is usually sensitive to the needs and feelings of others.

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