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Allow me a space in your publication to pour out my emotions concerning the high level of negligence the educated youth is faced with in this country. Kusukela kuma lower levels of school, we were told that ‘education is the key to success’; and we would admire and envy bonesi, bothishela nemaphoyisa, sitibone natsi sesifana nabo. We worked extra hard to ensure that siyaphasa etikolweni regardless of the plight lesiphuma kuyo emakhaya. Fast forward to October 2023, the University of Eswatini alone recorded about 4 000 graduates, therefore, what steps did government take to ensure that all these graduates would find jobs? Does government even know what these graduates are busy with?


How are they expected to repay the scholarships money that was given to them during the course of their studies? How will they be able to do that if they are unemployed? For how long will institutions of higher learning keep producing graduates who will end up not being empoloyed? The generation itofundza ngani nasolo labasembili bangakhoni kubhadala umfundzate? The sad part is that the number of students who are afforded the scholarships keeps decreasing with each passing year.


Why is government letting down the youth and destroying their future? We now have the education keys, but which doors are they going to open because the doors are not there? For how long will this be allowed to continue and sitawulanyulelwa ngulobuyaphi? There are companies in the country that have over 600 cows but employ a mere five individuals. Uyamangala lokutsi kwenteka njani nje liplazi la over 600 wetinkhomo libe na only five employees; why don’t they hire more people? Sivuno sitawunyuka njani when the labour input iphasi kanje?
Why is football allowed to continue in the country because it brings nothing in terms of revenue, but instead kuphela imali yahulumende ngelite. Sekwabayingoma kutsi kute imali yet there are national events lekumele ngabe awekho national; why does government always spends so much on events that do not come with profits for the country? Where is this country headed to kahle kahle because there are companies and organisations that are failing to give graduates simple internship jobs? Lotasihlenga utawubuyaphi, lomnotfo utokhula njani, lemphilo itawubancono nini? Sesikhale kwenela, sesisebente etitolo nasemafemini kwenela and government must be ashamed of itself.

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