I think we can all observe that this life has nothing that is permanent. Things come and go; it doesn’t matter what the dimension of life is. All things seem to abide by the law of impermanence of all things. The ancients have said there’s time for everything. In a language, we say, of each and everything: ‘It came to pass’. This phrase has relevancy to every human event, activity or happening. In fact it relates to all things in this life. Anything which was once not, but now is, will at some point in time be not. It would have come to pass. Things that never come to pass are things that have always been – things that do not have a beginning; and things that do not have a beginning are, by necessary implication, without end. Things that have a beginning have, by necessary implication, an end.
You might have heard the saying that some people come to your life for a reason, for a season, or for a lifetime. I want to believe that this saying may also be amplified to things, and we may say that some things come into our lives for a reason, for a season or for a lifetime. You might have heard of people who change careers after being renowned in one for many years. One may change from being a doctor to becoming a life coach; from being a renowned legal practitioner to being a farmer. The same holds for systems of governance. When something or someone comes into our lives for a lifetime it doesn’t mean that it will be there for all time and eternity or forever, but it means what it says, for ‘a lifetime,’ nothing more, nothing less. Lifetime itself means temporality – it means that it shall also come to pass. When we truly understand that in reality things come to pass we will no longer cling to things that do not help.
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