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I have, numerous times, heard of women who call their husbands devils. Where that comes from is the question we all must ask ourselves, especially us preachers. Our Lord Jesus Christ is all about unity, not divisions. That is why he prayed this according to the writing of John 17: 20; “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. “I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one – as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.”


He prayed that we will be united as believers together with His disciples after believing in Him through their message to us. He said this is the only way the world would believe that He, Jesus Christ, was sent to the world by God Almighty; it is as simple as that. How do we expect people to believe in our Lord Jesus Christ if we continue dividing His church? How do we expect wars and all the corruption to end when we have corruption and wars going on inside the church? That we fail to agree in unity as the church of our Lord in this country is proof that there’s no truth in us. Without truth, even the Holy Spirit is not in us. Without the two, obviously there’s no worship of God Almighty either. There’s only blasphemy which brings the wrath of God upon Eswatini. And we are currently experiencing that wrath from all angles.


God advised and ordered that all the walls dividing the church in Eswatini be brought down. All the church umbrella bodies must disband and become one. Thereafter all the churches must do away with the denominational mentality and become one family in different parts of Eswatini. This is what will lead to Eswatini being established as the pulpit of Africa. Otherwise God Almighty will continue to pour His wrath upon Eswatini endlessly. People will continue to meet and discuss stuff, I mean real stuff, but all will be fruitless efforts at the end. God Almighty is at work in Eswatini, however, many people are in the dark. They do not have the truth because it is hidden from them mainly by the clergy. Everyone in Eswatini is fighting a losing battle.


God Almighty is in the process of crushing, destroying and will rebuild Eswatini to become what He truly intended it to be in the beginning. He says He will build his pulpit with or without us, the current generation. However, we will be called to account for all the mess in Eswatini.  I know and accept that this is hard to believe, because it comes from me, a nobody. However I received this from the Lord several times now. Until we are united as a church, God Almighty will never be happy with us. It starts with me coming in unity with you, dropping down my pastoral title and becoming a simple child of God through Jesus Christ our King. We all have sinned and fallen short of God Almighty’s glory in the Eswatini church. We have judged yet we have been warned not to. Most of our judgements have come from uninformed positions to make matters worse. Let’s repent and return to righteousness in the true sense of righteousness.

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