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Popular churches with their popular pastors; the members of these churches are devotees of fashion; they array themselves with costly fashionable attires.
These church members join hands with the ungodly in parties of pleasure, in dancing and festivities. Popular churches are sadly degenerate; these churches have turned their backs on God and God has in turn withdrawn Himself from them. Popular churches retain forms of religion but the spirit of godliness is lacking. The mystery of iniquity Apostle Paul described is indeed already at work.

Exalted standard

Popular churches have lowered the exalted standard of the Christian faith to gain converts. Popular churches have departed from the Bible standard of humility, self denial, simplicity and godliness. Popular churches have popular pastors; these pastors entertain and attract people. The sermons of these pastors must be pleasing to fashionable ears; these sermons must not touch popular sins; thus fashionable sins are concealed under the pretense of godliness.  Popular churches have adapted their forms of worship to modern times; the spirit of worldly conformity has invaded these popular churches. It is true that; “The sin of the world’s impenitence lies at the door of the Church.”

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