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Father you deserve the glory, Heavenly father you deserve the honor. There is no other God like you, you are sovereign and you are mighty. You are the Alpha and you are the Omega, you stand exalted above everything and father you stand exalted above all creation.


Your name is the great Jehovah the all sovereign and all magnificent God, you are worthy of all praise and honour. Father I pray for our nation, I pray for the Eswatini Government and I pray for Parliament. I pray for the judicial system of the country led by the chief justice as well, according to the system’s hierarchal order. I pray for the traditional leaders in the different rural and urban areas as well as their subjects. Father I pray for our law keepers from the three arms, the army, the police and the Correctional Services. I also pray for the security guards in the country.  

I pray for the different carrier paths found in our beautiful kingdom, the doctors, nurses, teachers, non-academic staff, lecturers, engineers, office administrators, CEOs, Eswatini National Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services, paramedics, hospital assistants, technicians, media and communication experts. I pray for our spiritual leaders who lead the different churches in the country. I pray for the Christian fraternity to lead us in prayer, song and worship on a daily basis. I pray for the older generation in Eswatini and the young people whether employed or not, I pray for toddlers who also happen to be the future of this country.


Heavenly father I pray for the sick and invalid, those suffering from HIV as well as NDR TB. I pray for all transport operators in all spheres of the country. Father thank you for the beautiful country called Eswatini and all her wonderful mountains and valleys, dams and rivers. Thank you for the wonderful people, thank you father that our leaders welcomed you in Parliament, government offices and into our curriculum. Thank Lord; that churches are allowed to bring about spiritual enlightenment. Thank you Lord for both those I have mentioned and those I have not, in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

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