Former Tourism and Environmental Affairs Minister Moses Vilakati, should be supported by government in his quest to become African Union (AU) Commissioner of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Development (ARBE). He acquitted himself well when he was Minister of Agriculture, steering the country through one of the worst droughts in decades.It was during his term also, that the National Maize Corporation was able to supply maize adequately. It was only after he had departed that problems started. He ensured that the financial drain Tractor Hire Pool was closed and tractors were taken to NMC, for best administration. Very little, if any, jobs were lost because the merger was smooth.
He also introduced the input subsidies for farmers, which was a step in the right direction, for poverty alleviation. Madam Editor, Eswatini stands to gain enormously if Vilakati lands that continental assignment. The AU is Africa’s connection between the continent and the rest of the world. So, if we have a representative, he will ensure that Eswatini is top of the list of aid beneficiaries.He will come at a time when Africa needs drought resistant crops and affordable fertilisers. As Commissioner of Agriculture, his job entails travelling extensively internationally, where he will meet experts in agriculture. He can always refer those experts to Eswatini. He dedicated himself in fighting rural poverty and issues of climate change. During his time, farmers were introduced to international markets for sugar, beef and other agricultural products.
I believe he has capacity to also aid sub-Saharan Africa, with research on innovative farming techniques and technologies, for both women and the youth, as they are the majority farmers.
He is not the first former Cabinet minister to have campaigned for a continental position, as the late Albert Heshane Shabangu also came close to getting the top AU Chairmanship.
I ask that government supports Vilakati by sending good credentials for him, because he served two terms in Cabinet, which means he is good at leading.
Themba Vilane
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