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This habit of littering must come to an end because it defiles our environment and pollutes our rivers. I have driven around the country on personal assignments and saw first-hand how we have become a littering nation.


When people see a flying plastic at Nkwene, they do not even think that they may be the ones who discarded it at Ngwane Park. This is because during windy weather, the plastics and other litter material flies high through the sky and can land several kilometres away. When there are mosquitos, we get worried because of sleepless nights and itchy bodies, after being bitten by the insects. These mosquitoes are the very insects that breed in the plastics and tins that we throw all over the place. Tourists will not be happy visiting Eswatini if the habit of littering continues.


They will complain about being exposed to sickness and disease while here. Keeping your environment clean starts with a personal decision in your private space.  Sweep your yard and burn your litter afterwards. Alternatively, you can dispose of home litter in a hygienic way if there is no means to burn it. Some of the worst litterers are motorists. They produce a lot of litter in their vehicles while travelling, but they neglect to keep it in a garbage bag for later disposal. They carelessly throw away plastic bags through the windows of their vehicles.
This is the main reason dogs are run down by cars in public roads. The dogs are drawn by the bones and other smelly substance thrown out by the motorists. Imagine the pollution caused by the dog carcasses along the roads. Residents of Matsapha must also come to their senses because they are the worst culprits when it comes to littering. Sometimes you find that they litter right next to the skip bings. This must come to an end because it portrays emaSwati as litterbugs.


Why can’t we copy what they are doing in Middleburg, Rustenburg and other towns, where the streets are clean.Someone once said to me if he stops littering, he would be contributing to the high unemployment because people would be retrenched. This statement is irresponsible because it unnecessarily increases the budget for towns and cities. These people who clean the streets could be employed to do something else that is productive.


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