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Eswatini is one of the few countries in Africa with the death penalty, but we are not using it.

This is why the country is facing serious crimes. We are living with people who do not deserve to live, because of their cruel attitude towards human life. Everyday, we wake up to news that someone killed another in a gruesome way. These killings are just not ending and desperate measures must be put in place. One of the people convicted to death is David Simelane, who killed 34 women who were desperate job seekers. He has lived to see his grandchildren, if any. Moreover, he has been kept alive at the expense of the taxpayer. Since 2001, when he was arrested, I think he has eaten food worth over E1 million. What could we have done with such an amount of money, instead of feeding someone who reduced people to paupers and orphans.

Even the Bible says such a person must be killed. But, if we feel that he is useful to keep around, why don’t we make him work to earn his breath. He is not the only one, but others have committed heinous crimes in this country and they are still alive. Since 1983, 45 people have been sentenced to death, and 44 of those death sentences have been commuted to life imprisonment. Others killed people in robberies, while others raped before killing. Wikipedia says the most recent executions in Eswatini occurred on 2 July 1983, when eight people, seven men and one woman, were hanged in the capital city, Mbabane, for various crimes. The woman was a 48-year-old restaurant owner named Phillipa Mdluli, who murdered her employee’s 2-year-old daughter for her body parts in a perversion of muti.

Authorities did not provide details on the crimes that led to the other seven executions that day. It was said that Correctional officials enlisted the services of an executioner from South Africa to carry out the executions. Forty years later, why don’t we introduce just one wave of such executions, to send a strong warning to the murderous people in our societies. Women are killing husbands for their life insurance policy payouts, while men are killing women to silence them after rape ordeals. These are signs of a sick society. While people are sleeping with their families, thugs break-in and shoot victims dead, just to steal their television sets.

Of course, this is not before raping the women and children in front of the husband. We still have the noose at Sidwashini Correctional facility. We must use it. Nowadays there are means such as the electric chair. We also have lethal injection, which is less painful. Let us show that we want to maintain an upright society for our future generation. In south Africa, the capital punishment was abolished, but the people are crying out for it everyday.  They cannot stand the high crime rate.




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