If ever killing was as easy as blowing a candle, we would live in a planet of only filthiness and toxic odour saturation. If ever aborting a foetus was as easy as lighting a matchstick, we would be crumbling in a planet of ashes. But I wonder where people get the audacity to commit murder. They are insatiable and recalcitrant. They do not listen to sound voices.
Abortion is murder as life begins at conception. Who are you to discard God’s plan of bringing His creature to His own planet? It excruciatingly hurts to see the rife attitude of teenage girls dropping out of school with dreams shattered, and their bright future disappearing in the distance as they are forced to stop in the middle of the race. Why are our children not encouraged to abstain from sex while being educated about the repercussions of being sexually active at an early age? Echoing baby voices weep now and then in toilets and wet trenches.
Dear abortive females, don’t be concerned about how you will raise that child; you failed to abstain, so accept it.
A child is a precious gift from God, you have to appreciate it regardless of any disabilities or weaknesses. Yes you are still a pupil and you can’t bear that situation at hand, but remember God is always faithful to those who find rescue in Him. It hurts when one hears that some mothers of the teenage girls are the ones who encourage their daughters to have abortions; what a shame! Giving birth to that baby is a big embarrassment to them, yet they are not concerned when their daughters spend days at their boyfriends’ homes.
I empathise with the innocent souls that are easily killed in regrets of foolish furry endeavours. Who destroyed the world, who came with the idea of abortions? If the innocent souls have wronged, why are they not forgiven? If they have made a mistake, why are they not corrected; to face a death sentence before they see wonderful planet earth is heartless. Let them live and abortion must fall! What kind of generation are our mothers breeding in their daughters? How will life be in 20 to 30 years from now if this notorious rife attitude is allowed? Meanwhile, I thank the Government of Eswatini for making a stand against abortion. This is the time for our mothers to start teaching their daughters about the dangers of having sex. Sex education should not be taboo in the household.
My heart bleeds and sometimes misses a few beats because of this diabolic perception of today’s youth. They attribute that ‘love is the seed of all hope. It is the enticement to trust, risk, to try and to go on. Individuals who could make our country better are aborted. Breadwinners who could change your own families are aborted, mercilessly! These females are not content even if they have aborted many children. Samaritans who could hire our unemployed parents without bribe, and employ our beloved sisters without having sex with them are aborted. And this is the only thing that would hold Eswatini to cry with corruption forever.
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