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Our world is one that is susceptible to our influence and is changeable. If we don’t use our God-given powers, our environment will change us. The mind’s operation over matter produces magnificent effects.


Bob Proctor states: “A person’s world can be compared to a plot of ground. It exists; it is there. It has inherent within itself an amazing potential, and it is prepared to react to mankind’s every action. In fact, it must.” We may want to think of our world as the work we do or our school.  Whatever your line of education or job happens to be, consider it for a while as a plot of ground. If your plot of ground is not cultivated intelligently and you live it to itself, nothing worthwhile will ever grow there. Instead, left to itself, the ground will yield weeds to the man. But should you put into it some few seeds of whatever kind, the forces of nature – rain, the soil’s natural fertility – will combine to give the man some good reward for his limited effort. But when the man focuses on his plot of ground and gives it his all, and obey the laws governing farming, the yield will be pleasing to behold.The smaller the effort, the smaller the reward; the greater the effort, the greater the outcome. In short, this is action – reaction; sowing and reaping; cause and effect.


The ground does not care what you sow in it.  You make the choice of what you want from it. You do not stretch forth your hands trying to warm your hands before a fireplace without first putting wood to liven the fire. This is a subtle way of expressing the natural law of cause (your effort towards anything) and effect (the reward for your effort). Each of us has been given a farm – ‘a lifetime and the work we have chosen’. If we carefully consider the work we do, we will realise that there is so much we can do to improve the work we are now engaged in if we soundly use our faculty of imagination and intelligence. Each of us has grand human capital to begin with in our quest to improve the work we do.


The capital we begin with are the human mind and heart – the logical mind and the feeling mind (heart). The good news is that these operation systems are susceptible to improvement.
There is no way the work we do will remain the same or yield weeds or unsatisfactory rewards if we can dedicate one hour each day to thinking. Since we do not have to be sick to get better, such dedicated activity each day will expand our mindset and heartset and efficiency in a matter of few years, and our plot of ground will return to us a great yield.
It has been said that ‘our rewards in life will always match our service’. Any attempt to neglect this law will lead to failure. Everything in the universe is growing or dying; creating or disintegrating. Choose growth and creation.

M Nkambule

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