So, Trump has won the American Presidential election and he is back in the White House. Congratulations to him! Unfortunately, many people cannot figure out what this man is all about in terms of character (a comedian-like who happens to say anything without really meaning what he says sometimes) That is probably the reason why many people never get offended by his vulgar language and rhetoric on the campaign trail and other public events. They just judge the man on policy rather than personality. Trump is also not afraid to come out on the open and take a stand for what he truly believes in, whatever it takes.
At the height of COVID-19, when there was profound pressure to have public gatherings banned, President Trump refused to have churches closed in America and declared them as essential services. That’s why we Christians, globally, hold the man in high esteem. We have seen Trump’s political rivals, or should we say enemies, cursing over his outbursts on TV and other public platforms, while the man keeps entertaining people and dancing to his favourite YMCA song during his huge rallies. And behold, millions of Americans have voted this man back to the White House against all odds in the 2024 election one more time.
As I see it, he even survived two assassination attempts, simply because he is in fact innocent and God is on his side, despite his alleged litany of misdemeanors, including being labelled as a racist. Yet clearly, for his faults, Trump loves people and just works to improve their lives.Personally, I’m no fan of the man but I too do agree with him on policy.
1. On Immigration: His ‘merit based’ immigration policy makes a lot of sense. I remember him saying he wants international students who studied in the U.S. and are willing to stay in the country to be quickly given green card documents, instead of going back to their countries and have their talents wasted. Nangimuva kahle Trump, he is not against people coming to America from other countries, but he is against illegal immigrants. Bantfu bangeta batosebenta in the US ‘njengemagayiza’ going to work in the gold mines eJozi and then return back home.
On Foreign Policy: He wants the US to be at peace with other countries without having to worry about the so-called ‘traditional enemies’ in the likes of Russia, China, North Korea, etc. Hence, his decision to befriend bo Putin nabo Kim Jong Un. That makes a lot of sense too.One wonders why so many people, young and old, including African-Americans, educated, are supporting Trump? And by the way, American politics has become so polarised that it is better to rise above the Democratic Party vs Republican Party animosity, and remain an independent. It is healthy that way I guess. Wishing Donald Trump and the people of America a great and successful Inauguration Day. God bless us all!
Pastor J. Mdluli
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