Being a nurse is a calling and it is a full-time job in Eswatini. Please allow me to repeat the words of Pep Guardiola Manchester City coach, who once said ‘I was not happy’, and to be honest with myself, I am a normal person with feelings like all of us. It is unfair, clinics and hospitals in Eswatini turn away patients, who are pregnant woman about to give birth. It is very painful that often mothers are turned back and sent home. I have been reading disturbing stories since last year, about a young women giving birth outside the hospital, some at home and by the gates of hospitals. Kunemphica badzala in our state hospitals in Eswatini shem.
Even more, some of these hospitals are experiencing drug shortages even as we speak. Some clinics in rural areas don’t operate 24 hours, but something must be done to help young, pregnant women to receive around the clock care in their fragile states. Cha kona kulikhuni Eswatini shem. Athuleleni ema MP’s Eswatini? Atsi ku kahle yini? Such incidents are tarnishing the image of the nursing or healthcare profession in Eswatini. Kubuhlungu and yindzaba yetfu sonkhe as Eswatini. The lack of these supplies can lead to nurses feeling apprehensive and if a nurse feels unsafe, then the department of health must provide safety for workers, such as surgical gloves and body bags, since they are exposed to harsh working conditions. Protect innocent people in hospitals, both medical staff and patients.
Emergencies should be treated as such, especially in regards to the opening times in hospitals. There is a lot being hidden. Kunekukhohlakala nje bayaganga bona shem. Nurses swear an oath to serve communities with healthcare services. Ishacisa lugogo lendzaba of patients being turned back home without any help. Some emaSwati people live far from hospitals. It is an issue that affects us all and it is, therefore, the responsibility of the department to ensure that each clinic has a nurse on standby to assist during an emergency. The health crisis in Eswatini is a serious issue and so siyokhala size siviwe ngulobuyaphi Eswatini?
Nurses, please help desperate women of Eswatini to give birth in a safe and sterile environment, instead of embarrassing them. Indzaba yaka health ilukhuni vele minister badinage kusitakala njani ku phela. Surely someone somewhere is not doing their jobs of there are loop holes. Why there are shortage of staff nurses. Yet government is spending hundreds of millions of emalangeni in the institutions every year training them (nurses) kuvisana buhlungu naku lokwentekako ka health. Please let us try and address this problem. What would you do if the person who came for help was your mother, father, brother, sister or child. Asikho sidzingo sekubajikisa bafuna lusito shem.
They are taxpayers in Eswatini. As people, we are not the same. Some enjoy being in groups others like to be alone. Yindzaba yetfu sonkhe Eswatini. One may die one day due to the shortage of drugs in the state hospital. We must all call into question as to why the hospital in Mankayane was not able to assist a women, who was still bleeding, lost so much blood and eventually died. Minister ubonile kutsi kwentekalani lapha? Why is the minister of health saying about these issues? Ibuhlungi kakhulu lentfo leyenteka kubantfu. How long should we suffer before we lose so many lives Eswatini? Yes, we cannot solve it overnight Eswatini. Everyone has faults.
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