Over the years, the definition of growth has yielded varied interpretations and implications mostly influenced by culture, language dynamics, status, subgroups and privilege. Due to this reason, the definition has become largely versatile and personal. It is easy to get lost in the bustle of today’s world by trying to live up to society’s standards and interpretation of growth. However, growth does not and should not be uniform to all, meaning that growth is a non-linear experience. This letter explores the depths of a reflective and self-guided growth approach which is coupled by its three pillars: Unlearning, being and doing.
Firstly, let us delve into the idea of a reflective and self-guided growth. We should be more intuitive and intentional about our growth path as this acts as a benchmark for everything affiliated with maturity. It has everything to do with self, hence the name self-guided growth. This is when one steps up and becomes more responsible for their actions and being accountable for every choice made. This stretches onto personal associations and the company one keeps; yes, it has everything to do with the empathetic growth path. Need I remind you that anything and everything has the potential to distract you or lift you to greater heights on this personal journey hence the need to be selective.
Also, it is important to take stock and reflect on past decisions or mistakes and learn from them. Thus, an empathy-driven growth is simply being kinder to oneself by being smarter and mindful of everything and everyone for more informed decisions.
Additionally, the essence of empathetic, reflective growth is centred on the ability and willingness to unlearn preconceived societal concepts, being in alignment with one’s core values and making bold changes. That is, being able to break and ditch conditioned social norms and taking a different path altogether for oneself is the first step. Next, one has to ensure that their thoughts, actions and core principles are in alignment with their core values. Moreover, growth requires immense courage and bravery to step out of comfort zones to do what seems scary and chaotic but is in fact fulfilling. For instance, in some cultures, young girls are deemed grown-up when they marry a good man and produce babies, yet modern society promotes quality education and gender parity in the workplace. It is growth for any lady from such cultures who breaks norms and actually makes something out of her life, not reducing her place to the ‘kitchen’.
In a nutshell, empathetic and reflective self-guided growth serves as a constant checking in with oneself to ensure that you are at the right place. A nudge to remind oneself of where you want to get to, what you stand for and what you stand against is all what growth is about. Therefore, it is a prerequisite to have better emotional and intellectual skills to achieve such growth to avoid compromise or overcompensation. Life favours the devoted, every choice and every step counts, stay woke!
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