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Stand up and be counted

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A trained eye sees potential in every blank page. A trained eye sees water in a desert while a trained hand and a renewed mind turns images into a reality

I therefore urge all young and visionary people to stand up and be counted. All visionaries should not be afraid to go to the polls and be voted for. It’s not about multipartsim or not but it’s about the visional character within.

Most visionaries and intellectuals shun elections for the simple reason that elections have become a game of bribes and a platform of corruption. Anyone can become something; your Mazda 323 can qualify you to be a bucopho or MP. This situation is pushing us to tight corners as a nation whether to vote responsibly or nganembeza ngoba sengidlile

. The electorate is being forced into a dark place where you don’t vote responsibly but out of conscience. A python full of meat never moves, lots of people are calling for clean water roads and the likes little do they realise that receiving bribes for a vote perpetrates stagnation.
It is time that we all unite with or without civic education against this endemic and fight political lies with a sound mind that puts the people in the fore front and egocentrism at the back seat.

If constituencies want to attain a status of economic and social stability they have to put they dreams behind their vote. Every one says government this, government that.
You ask yourself who voted for Government. Are we not part of the problems?
I plead with Swazis in this time of elections to vote wisely and not to be motivated by bread and butter if not less quality soccer jerseys. Politics is not about food for a moment but making laws to improve and sustain livelihoods. Just last week I met one guy who told me point blank that, he doesn’t vote for anything but for fun.


This shows how far the emergence of hope is needed to the electorate. We have to vote for people who will resuscitate hope to the faint of heart and to shout with a loud voice for those who can’t speak but speak a sound mind.
The world has lots of problems therefore problematic illiterate people are irrelevant but only problem solvers.
It looks like our MPs are content in seeing the electorate coming to them for burial of cousins and grandmothers than coming up with a strategy and or a mechanism which will create independence.

MPs should instead seek investors who will employ the people and also help them start projects. The regional leagues we have should not have an MP so and so brand. We have companies willing to market themselves through sports.

I am just asking myself if MPs are going to award regional teams this year. But I doubt because all of their monies will go to bribes for a vote campaign, after all they have an upper hand because of circular No1 which will make sure they have enough bread to bribe innocent individuals. Lastly but not least, I’m asking the Swaziland National Youth Council to explain to young people why they allowed efforts to capacitate young people on their right to vote were shelved.

Why did they allow such selfish behaviour to happen right under their noses? This was supposed to be sponsored but we are told a senior government officer just said no and nobody said anything thereafter.

Mhlanga Seedwell

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