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Why do we have floods?

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Curiosity killed a cat but I think it is wiser to be curious sometimes as your curiosity might use more than the 10 per cent of brain cells those know-it-all say we usually utilise.

The bible is one tool that evokes my curiosity, leaving me with more questions than answers and I am quite sure a few have the definite answers that may quench my curiosity. If I don’t get them I will keep searching and asking until hopefully one day a knowledgeable and honest person would come out clean with answers that would erase my suspicions*wink*.

Historians believe the bible was used as a political tool to silence the voice of the populace and quell the Romans during the reign of Emperor Augustine who ruled the populace with an iron hand, taxing them to the bone, so sociologists, philosophers, wise men, writers, poets and historians were summoned to draft the Book of Life.

And when I read the bible, I sometimes have the feeling that I am just reading about the way of life of the Israelites. Why is the bible not given free of charge so everyone would have the chance to know about the great life of living pure.
They say God is all about love yet He showed favouritism and let other people die for the Israelites to occupy Canaan (still there is infighting for that land), why were slaves and concubines regarded as not normal, is that not inhumane?

Others were persecuted for being uncircumcised and for eating certain foods which were foreign to the Hebrews. They say He is a forgiving God yet they say we are still living under the sins of Adam and Eve where even the Bible says, “Fathers shall not be put to death for their sons, nor sons for their fathers; each shall be executed for his own crime (Deuteronomy 24:16).” Many may think I am attacking the bible or challenging the word of God but that would be out of line as my intentions are to know why things are in direct contrast to what is written down in the holy book.

Am I misquoting the verses or is what has been written beyond my understanding? Adam and Eve were the first people on earth and there is nowhere that shows that others were created besides them but when Cain is punished in Genesis 4:13-15, it seems that there were other people living among them!

Many people are dying and left homeless through floods yet the bible in Genesis 7 and 8 says God made a covenant with Noah, promising never to let the waters be floods to destroy all flesh, and when floods keep happening, destroying flesh and infrastructure then you have that unanswerable question, why?
If dinosaurs did ever live millions of years ago as some archaeologists have proved, so was the earth made in seven days then as the bible pinpoints in Genesis 1?

These verses caught my eye and sharing them would be awesome as they are astounding and somehow relevant; wrath is cruel and anger is overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy (Proverb 27:4); do not trust your neighbour, do not confide in your friend, guard the doors of your mouth from the one who lies in your bosom.
For son despises father, daughter stands up against mother, daughter-in-law against mother-in-law and a man’s enemies are the men of his house (Micah 7:5-6); will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing me.

But you say, “How have we robbed thee?” In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me, the whole nation of you. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so there may be food in my house, and by this put me to the test, says the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour out for you a more than sufficient blessing. And I will rebuke the devouring locusts for you, and it shall not destroy the fruit of your ground; your vine in the field shall not fail to ripen, says the Lord of Hosts and all nations shall call you blessed, for you shall be a delightful land, says the Lord of Hosts (Malachi 3:8-12).

The last verse had me thinking, why should we blame pastors who make the offerings their main objective as Malachi has given the idea that to get abundant blessings we have to pay more for them and if we don’t, famine and locusts would devour us.
I need to build a church too and I hope I won’t be greedy and grow a rhino skin, a skin that would be bulletproof to the people’s sufferings and poverty.

I say people must wake up and stop just listening to pastors rambling and performing miracles but make the church a robust and interactive arena.
Going to bible school, does it guarantee us that indeed you are a man of God and deserve to be conferred the respect of a pastor?
Talking about religion can make me end up writing a novel, so let me end here before I get more confusing and incoherent.

I implore people to vote for people with integrity and wisdom and who will be vigorous, industrious and never bend the truth to satisfy their masters, and thanks to acting chief Gelane for reminding us that we are not democratic as we think we are, political affiliation is a crime at Kontshingila, it does not matter if people just see a god in that individual.


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