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Pondering on ‘Silencing the mother is silencing the child’

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 I couldn’t agree more with the writers of the Female Voice article. Indeed it’s a shame in this day and age to find people who still talk like this when it comes to women.

These are the very men who rely on their wives in order for their homes to run smoothly. It sure was an insult to all the women who were there, including those who represented the Ministry of Education. The adjournment of the meeting should not have been allowed. I’m shocked that the description of a parent is now a man. As far as I know a parent is either male or female.

If you ask me, most of the children in Swaziland are under the care of women, whether it’s their mothers, grandmothers or aunts. In fact even those who were booing the woman who stood up are most likely the products of a mother, grandmother or aunt who raised them, not knowing they would turn out like this, despising the very gender that gave them life and a better future. I am very disappointed with the action of the head teacher of the said school because he has also failed the school since he allowed these bullies to rule the meeting.

He should have made it clear that the parents who were present at the meeting were sufficient in number to justify the election of new school committee members. These people also showed how barbaric they are by booing the woman who stood up to express her view as that was her right as a parent. How dare they deny her her right to speak at a school where she has a child?

Does this now mean that those children whose fathers passed away, those whose fathers abdicated their responsibilities should then not be represented during such meetings? I wonder where this country is headed if we still have citizens with this kind of mentality among us. This is a real embarrassment for our country.

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