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Differentiating peace and silence

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 There seems to be confusion about these two words, namely ‘peace’ and ‘silence’. In this country they seem to mean the same thing.

I want to start by explaining the word ‘peace’ since it is a spiritual word:  ‘true’ peace can only come from God, as a gift to people’s individuals hearts, nations and global community and this is confirmed in the following verses, Acts 10:30, John 14: 27 and Isaiah 48:22. Then what about the other word called ‘silence?

I think this was manmade peace as it is always enforced through brutal force and it does not last long since it was ‘fake’ peace in the first place, for example, a teacher could enforce peace in a noisy class by using a stick or ‘umzaca’ , but if the stick is removed the pupils could continue where they left off , by making more noise; so this means they kept quiet to protect their skins or ‘kuvikela lugogo lwabo’ .

  Peace and silence can never mean the same thing.

Peter Sibeko

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