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We cannot live in isolation

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 Once again we find ourselves dancing in the same spot (sigidza ndzawonye) because we seem to be unable to deal with the issue of pants once and for all when it comes to women. Who are these people who are continuously pulling us backwards? Do these people have a copy of the constitution?

I don’t believe that any Chief has the right to declare a law in his own area that goes against the constitution of the country.
I’m wondering who is supposed to call these people to order. It’s shocking also that these people are out to get women as we don’t see them going after the men who are also doing certain things that we might consider to be ‘un-cultural’.

I think it’s about time we realise that we cannot live in isolation from the global world and thus have to make sure once again that we conform when it comes to those charters that we are signatory to. A lot of education is really needed in order for everyone who has some form of power in this country to be well versed about what is expected of him /her as they carry out their duties on behalf of the citizens of this country.

I think this business of people who believe that they own people is really going to lead us as a country into a lot of trouble. This country should be governed by the same laws regardless of where the people are.

At the moment it seems like those under certain Chiefs are at their mercy. We can no longer allow this to continue in this day and age. We should make sure that those who flout these laws are taken to task without favour.


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