Home | Letters | Indvuna Dibanisa paid the ultImate price

Indvuna Dibanisa paid the ultImate price

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The Ode to the late Governor of Ludzidzini in one of the publications is inaccurate in one regard and needs to be corrected.

As difficult as it always is to write negatively about a person who is deceased, there is one aspect of the article which cannot go uncorrected, and that is the alleged leniency with which the governor was handled after Big Game Parks rangers arrested him for poaching on the day the Head of State had assigned as a day of rest for the animals, during the Butimba. 

The Governor lost his job – the third most powerful position in the Swazi Hierarchy. He was summarily dismissed after his traditional trial by the tribunal. 


This alone, without the fine of three livestock, is probably the harshest punishment that could possibly have been meted out against a person in that position. 
So it is not true that the Governor was handled leniently, he paid the ultimate price to his career with this summary dismissal for poaching. 
No court could have punished him more severely than this.

Statement by Big Game Parks
Submitted by K Wright

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