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Fonono thank you for the truth

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I would like to say thank you very much for the article on Border Restoration Committee (BRC). It is good news to hear what Fonono Dube says about this committee. We have always been saying that this is a feeding ranch and nothing more.

This committee like the others has such a huge number of members and one wonders if they really need to be that many. It’s also interesting to analyse the kind of people who happen to be part of this particular committee. I wonder if there is any particular criteria used in picking them. Well the less said about that the better.

We have been made to believe that there is something they are working on yet to some of us this is nothing more than a social club whose members get their pay from the taxpayer. One feels like screaming when looking at how much these guys take home each month for doing nothing.

We have a problem maintaining the little country that we have and yet we are busy trying to get back more land. I’m one of those people who don’t believe that there is a possibility even in a million years to get this land back. We can keep dreaming and paying those privileged ones so they can live well but that is where it will end. All I can say do is to appeal to people from this committee to please have a conscience and think about what could be done with all this money to make a difference in the lives of the poor people of this country.

If SRA is collecting tax from our hard earned income, let’s see that money being put into good use in making our lives better and doing something about the state of our roads, tarred and untarred.

Otherwise we will start asking questions as to where are our taxes spent and what difference has the improved tax collection made for the country. No wonder everyone is rushing to be elected to Parliament as the saying goes “if you cant beat them, join them”, in this case in the looting of our coffers.

Angry Taxpayer

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