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Student nurses are very precious

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Thank you for availing this opportunity to me as well as other voiceless Emaswati to air our views on what is troubling people in this peaceful and beautiful Kingdom of ours.

They say politics is a dirty game and at times I become confused and flabbergasted when I see Christians getting involved in it.
 I haven’t come to terms with why the ex-minister of Labour is seeking his fifth term in office while upcoming professionals are languishing in the cold.

With the minister’s wide and vast knowledge on labour issues, it’s very clear that the big shots are taking advantage of the weak bargaining approach of the student leaders.

I am specifically referring to the final year students of the Nazarene College of Nursing. These students have worked for three years to complete their Diploma in General Nursing only to be threatened with deregistration in the end. I wonder how the administration will manage to deregister close to 50 nursing students.

These young women and men have worked so hard for three painful years, only to be frustrated in the final year. What is happening?


These students are just asking for what their parents have signed for and more so the money is not free since they are to pay it back to government.
The minister must bear in mind that this is not a course in agriculture extension but a profession to bring life to the world and take it away.

These students staged a peaceful protest. They were not even marching. These students were so disciplined they did not even dare damage any property of the institution. Even in war-torn countries like Syria and Egypt, nurses are very precious. 

The minister indicated that their monies had been sent to the school but the institution said nothing had been received. Had any of these students been their relatives, would they have treated them in the same manner?

How does government expect to get its money back if it has breached its side of the contract?


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