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The country is still lagging behind

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It is true that we Swazis still lag behind in meeting the Millennium Development Goals or MDGs. What could be the reason behind this? Could it be because we do not want or could this have something to do with the fact that we choose unqualified people to be our legislators or politicians?

I believe that to meet MDGs we need a political approach not an economic one. Why? This is because many countries that are deemed democratic do not have any problems with meeting MDGs while undemocratic countries have problems meeting them.

I think some Swazis in the corridors of power do not want to meet these MDGs, I suspect this is because they would have no one to bully. The electorate needs to choose wisely because these people are the ones who will help us get out of this mess we are currently in. e.g. if employment and poverty reduction could be implemented who can volunteer to work for another person?

Also, when people are empowered it is not so easy to mess with their heads. Can a boss employ another boss? Some say if people are given too much money, they lose discipline or respect. What respect?
They even go further to say we cannot be equal.

But then, what if others were bayabhashiswa, is that fair? Where is democracy? People should not get used to being given things for free because this only exacerbates the culture of dependecy. This also leads people to not wanting to work for themselves as they always expect a hand out from others. This is not healthy at all and people tend to take advantage of people who are afraid to work.

Where are equal rights and justice? As long as Swazis choose an arrogant self serving leadership we shall never meet these MDGs for sure!
The people we tend to choose are the ones who let this country down. Why can’t the United Nations punish lazy countries? Then perhaps they would work harder towards achieving these goals.

Peter Sibeko

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