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Working to pay bills erodes enthusiasm!

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We all have days when we lack energy or motivation at work and all jobs have their mundane aspects.

The most important thing is that we believe deep down that the work we are doing has a purpose and is taking us in the direction we ultimately wish to go.

If we can achieve this bigger picture vision for our work and career, it will help us build resilience against the ups and downs of the typical working schedule. If most people could be in a mission to mobilise more role models to gain momentum that would be magnificent.
Also, be an employee of choice. Becoming the employee you’d like to manage if you were a team leader is an effective way of ensuring you bring purpose to your job.

I believe adopting good habits such as always being on time, caring about your co-workers, dressing for success and constantly reaffirming your goals are your priorities at any place of work.

On top of this, it is important to put this at the back of your mind, ‘to be promoted or demoted at your workplace should not be about whom you know but who knows you’.
On another note, you have to go beyond the call of duty to develop a work ethic that differentiates you from the rest.

See yourself as someone with leadership potential and you could be well on your way to securing a position on a higher rung of the corporate ladder. When you are given a task or project to work on, embrace it as valuable, it will then become easier to go the extra mile.
Some people think that because you find something easy, it has no value but believe me the opposite is true.

Mangaliso S’manga Shongwe

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