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Parents must be friends with their teens!

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Many years ago, there were things which children were not expected to know yet they were part and parcel of their lives. Dearest readers, 

(parents in particular), I think the time for covering your faces yet your aim is to avoid being seen is over so it is important to have ‘the gift of letting things go’.
I remember back in the days when I was a youngster, some women would tell me that their newly-born babies came with an aeroplane and were sold to them.

Some would say they were sick when I asked them about their stomach bumps. Being so inquisitive, I would ask them so many questions.
Of all women I approached, only one told me that she was carrying a baby.
Parents and children sometimes need to behave like friends.

As you know, friends talk about anything freely, and that is exactly what is supposed to be happening.  The atmosphere should be warm and homely. This is because whenever your child has problems, as a parent, you will be the first one that your child will think about.
Never make your teenager dislike talking to you solely because they will worry about the response or the reaction they will get.


I am not a parent yet, but I know that parenting a teenager is challenging, these people are hormonal and can be stubborn and argumentative. From being sweet, helpful, good-natured angels, they suddenly become lazy argumentative and disrespectful.
I wish not only to talk with my teens but send texts or leave a well-placed note so that they get my message across without setting up a confrontation.

For example; ‘please hang up my washing; I know you did it yesterday, thanks for being so helpful’. How does it sound dear reader/parent? “Sweet”.
Remember, if you are punishing your teen, the punishment must fit the crime and make sure you delay before you punish. Acknowledge your teenager’s feelings.

Empathy will help get them on your side. Parents stay away from pretending and know that ‘it is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. Be good!

Mangaliso Smanga Shongwe

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