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Atheists are quick to brand God as an unforgiving God who does not hesitate to kill when it suits Him.
Well, God is not the ruthless killer they make him out to be!

He is the creator who gives life! Much like a loving parent who only wants the best for his or her children, it is only when his own creation turns against him that God reacts with great anger!
When the Pharaohs of Egypt refused to heed God’s command to release the Jewish slaves, God sent all kinds of curses and plagues to warn the Egyptians of his determination to see the slaves freed.

Only when the Egyptians refused to free the slaves and tried to defy God’s power with their own supernatural tricks did God decide to end the lives of every Egyptian firstborn son, and only then were the slaves finally set free!
However, when the freed slaves finally reached the Promised Land, they faced an enemy even more terrifying than the Pharaohs they had left behind!


They were faced with a strange race of giant warriors who occupied the land which God had promised them. Who or what were those giants?
According to the Holy Bible, they were the descendants of the angels who were cast out of heaven and came to earth where they took human partners and whose descendants are still amongst us even today! The Bible calls them the Anakim but they are also known Annunaki or Nephilim (Hebrew for the fallen ones).

These fallen angels are said to have been cast out of heaven long before the great flood and survived the flood by taking refuge deep inside the earth where they created a world within the world (underworld) which they accessed through deep cave systems, lakes and oceans. They are said to possess great knowledge about both the physical and spirit worlds which they are willing to share with humans and have much influence on worldly affairs today and throughout history, through occult secret societies which can be found throughout the world, including Swaziland.

Even Adolf Hitler and his Nazi followers are thought to have believed that they themselves were a ‘superior race’ of hybrid humans who were direct descendants of an advanced race of aliens who came to earth thousands of years ago where they procreated with humans.
If they are mentioned in the Bible, then surely there must be evidence somewhere to prove that they did indeed exist?
Well, even though they do not appear in science books and documentaries, the discovery of giant human-like skeletons does appear on the internet!

So, with evidence that such giants really did exist, could they also have evolved from apes as the scientists suggest or is evolution now working in reverse, with giants evolving into small and feeble humans.
Is it a reversal of the ‘survival of the fittest by natural selections’ theory, in much the same way as the fish, which supposedly evolved into amphibians in order to leave the sea, then evolved into reptiles and into insects which are now eaten by other fish?


Instead, we are only shown ape skeletons which resemble human ones and those of dinosaurs as evidence to back the theory of evolution, which has never been observed and is even thought by some scientists to have slowed down or even stopped altogether!
Yet we still have fish in the sea, have monkeys in the trees, we still have reptiles and microbial life!
People blame God for not intervening on the face of human suffering and yet it was not God who created the concept of money which has led to a situation whereby the richest 100 people on earth, the so called ‘global elite’, possess as much wealth as the poorest three billion people!

What God created was a fair and just world which has been corrupted by human endeavours such as greed, corruption, hatred, violence and war. God gave us life, a world abundant with everything we need to live comfortably, Ten Commandments to live by and the free will to follow those commandments or not to!

That free will is the reason God does not intervene in the face of human created injustice and inequality.
If He were to intervene, then of what use is free will?
However, He also gave us forgiveness for our sins through the blood of his son, Jesus.

Swazi citizen

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