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I write these words with pain because I also use kombis every day to go to work. But they must sort out their problems first before they increase our fares by 50 per cent. Some of these vehicles are not roadworthy. They pose a danger to the customers. But they are on the business road. Honestly! The vehicles are not in good condition.

Government needs to increase our salaries too, because prices for MTN, SEC, meat, water, bread, newspapers and mealie-meal have been increased. Everything is going up, except our salaries.


Fuel is also going up. People are suffering because of no salary increment, yet everything has increased. So what about the workers’ salaries?
It is unfair to do this to us when our economy is still like this. A year back, some tried to ask for a salary increase (the teachers) and failed.
Sir, allow me to ask this question; is the service they offer to the commuters reliable or safe to them when going to work? The Minister of Public Works and Transport has a big role to play here.

They must look at all the angles, not the issue of fares only. Is it affordable to all the people? What about those who are not working? Some public transport drivers are to blame for the increasing number of accidents on the road in Swaziland.

Their staff is often rude and vehicles are not in good condition. The high rate of road accidents every month (with kombis) is very painful because it is not the bad state of the roads in Swaziland that always cause the accidents, but their reckless driving.

Commuters are still overloaded, insulted and killed by these careless drivers and abused by rude marshals. They do not deserve this.
Yes, our roads are a disaster in Swaziland, but we Swazi citizens need to stand together and fight against this bad habit of kombi drivers killing us first, before they can increase their fares.


Are we safe as commuters on the roads? Is the service they offer to the customers reliable and safe?
Please, good people, do not misunderstand me; I am not saying they must not increase the fares but there are other issues that must be dealt with first before they come to the issue of increase. What has been done towards solving them? Silence does not solve any problem.

EMB Dlamini,

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