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Kindly allow us space in your widely read newspaper to air our views concerning what provoked us in our community recently.
On Saturday, March 8, we had a meeting whereby the Member of Parliament and the Inkhundla officers were present.

The MP, Indvuna Yenkhundla and Bucopho Benkhundla came for a Vusela meeting. It was the first time for us to meet them since they won during the elections. They introduced themselves to us, the community, then asked us to forward our requests pertaining to development activities we wish the Inkhundla to consider as they execute their duties.

To our surprise, one of the Bandlancane members who is also one of the Bantfwabenkhosi of our Umphakatsi did the unthinkable by making fun out of the MP, saying ‘usidli, he retrenched him’, he did wrong by being ‘shown a donga’ (luhholo) by the Bucopho and umphakatsi sigodzi and said a lot of other things. As members of the community, we would like to apologise to the MP, Indvuna Yenkhundla and Bucopho Benkhundla for how they came across.

We did not expect such from someone who is part of the administration in our area and, moreover, is closer to our chief.
It pains us a lot to see our area going down the drain at the hands of people we think are leaders. It also surprises us to see the name of our chief being dragged in the dust. We do not believe the chief instructed Bandlancane to say all that was said during this meeting. We are very sorry, MP, do not turn your face away because of people who think they are psychologists. How can you claim to be a psychologist if you did not enter even the Grade 1 class, we ask ourselves?

Lastly, may our local authority think twice before appointing people to committees that govern the area. People who are against development and who tarnish the image of the chiefs and King should not be appointed. People who want to gain fame by hurting others are not needed in society. We want people like Nelson Mandela, King Sobhuza II and others who fought for the rights of the people, not people who are destroyers.

Angry residents, Mhashulane, Bulunga, under Mtfongwaneni Inkhundla

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