MBABANE – Government is opposing the application to stop the purchase of vehicles worth over E170 million.
The State intends to purchase 400 vehicles amounting to E170 854 759, the beneficiaries being the police, defence, Correctional Services and the King’s Office.
On Wednesday the Swaziland Public Procurement Regulatory Agency (SPPRA) filed an application in the High Court where it is, inter alia, seeking an order to stop the purchasing of the vehicles.
Through the office of the Attorney General, government has since filed a notice of intention to oppose the application filed by the agency.
The reasons for opposing the application will be outlined in the answering papers government is expected to file soon.
“Be pleased to take notice that the respondents (Swaziland Government) hereby enter an appearance to oppose the above application filed on notice of application dated March 11,2016, and appoint the offices of the Attorney General,” reads part of the notice.
SPPRA contends that the purported procurement will lead not only to the breach of the Public Procurement Act, 2011 but will also lead to a great misuse of public funds which it has a duty to protect by way of ensuring value for the money in the conduct of the public procurement proceedings.
It is also a contention by the agency that procedure was not followed in the procurement of the vehicles.
The public procurement agency is, inter alia, seeking an order that the decision by the Swaziland Government allowing the Ministry of Finance and the Central Transport Organisation (CTO) to utilise the limited tender procurement method be reviewed and set aside.
It also wants the court to declare that the Swaziland Government, Ministry of Finance and CTO are in contravention of the Public Procurement Act, 2011, read together with Section 61 of the Public Procurement Procedures issued by SPPRA on February 24, 2016.
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