MBABANE – The Prime Minister, Sibusiso Barnabas Dlamini, has filed a divorce application against his wife Joy Nonjabulo Gladness Dlamini.
The divorce proceedings against Pastor Joy were filed by the PM’s lawyers last Friday, April 1, 2016. The two were married through civil rites, in a marriage that was solemnised on March 15, 2014 at the Mavuso Trade and Exhibition Centre’s main auditorium.
The grounds of divorce resulting in the PM initiating to end the marriage will not be disclosed for now pending the hearing and determination of the application by the courts.
The divorce application has been kept under wraps at the High Court and it is believed to be securely kept in the chief justice’s chambers. The matter has been registered under Case No. 631/2016. However, this publication has it in authority that the involved parties, in particular Pastor Joy, has been served by the deputy sheriff of the Hhohho district and according to the summons, Pastor Joy (nee Maziya) has been cited as a major female adult currently residing at Nkamanzi in the Manzini district.
In the combined summons, Pastor Joy, who holds the position of Director of Library Services, has been called upon to file her opposing papers in the event that she disputes or oppose the application.
At the time of compiling this report it was not clear whether she had already filed her papers.
During an interview with our sister publication over a month ago Joy’s mother, Vusiwe Maziya (nee Tsela), admitted that the couple had been now living apart as her daughter had since returned to her parental home at Nkamanzi.
She was quoted saying she was not sure why her daughter, who has been married to the PM for two years now, had returned home.
“She was brought back by an escort with her luggage and she has been here for almost seven weeks now. She travels from here to work and back every day, using the government car that was officially allocated to her.” the mother said.
She said the car fetched her daughter from home every morning and brought her back in the afternoon.
“On weekends, she remains at home and the car does not usually come for her until on Monday,” said the elderly woman. When asked what her daughter said was the purpose of her visit, Vusiwe said she said her husband had told her to return home.
A meeting was held by the family to try and figure out what the visit was all about as the stay had been fairly lengthy and this was an indication to them that something was wrong.
According to Joy’s mother, the family had agreed to seek audience with the PM over the matter but the emissary who was sent to arrange for an appointment said the premier allegedly said he was not yet ready to meet the Maziyas. Adding, Vusiwe said when the PM’s wife returned home, they were overwhelmed with joy thinking that she was just paying them a visit and would return to her marital home soon.
Dlamini has been in office for a historic four terms as prime minister and he had previously held the post of Finance minister.
Joy, on the other hand, is Director of Library Services and is a pastor and a guardian of Cabinet spouses and children.
Interviewed then, the PM said he would no entertain gossip making rounds about his personal life.
During a later interview, Pastor Joy made it clear that she was unhappy with people getting into her marital affairs. She was found in her office at the library and she wondered what was so unique about her marriage and even wondered if people wanted to destroy it. She said every marriage or home had problems and she was not immune to the challenges that other people faced but not specifically saying her marriage was experiencing same.
Pastor Joy cautioned journalists, saying it was very dangerous for them to keep poking their noses into her private affairs.
The PM, when contacted on Tuesday, said it was true that he had filed divorce proceedings against his wife, but stated that he had hoped that all would be revealed after the court process had been concluded.
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