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MBABANE – While Mbabane residents are forced to live up to four days without water in a week, a cluster of inhabitants is not as severely affected by the drought situation.

These are residents of the exclusive suburb of Dalriach West located near Sidwashini location.
The residents said they were least affected by the water rationing and they have had water on a full scale basis in all the months in which water services were limited in the city. 

The Swaziland Water Services Corporation (SWSC) has been rationing water in the city and surrounding areas since January 2016.
The rationing was initially limited to two days.

However, as the effects of the drought escalated, it was extended to four days per week.
The Times SUNDAY visited the suburb on Thursday.

Some residents who were interviewed expressed their appreciation to the corporation for effectively managing the water situation in their area.
“While most of our friends in the city were affected by the water problem, we did not feel it,” said one resident, who asked not to be identified.
He said while the community here had not been affected by the water issue, recently they too experienced water rationing.
However, even then, the rationing only covered the day hours.

The resident said water was only switched off during the day and it was restored in the evening.
They also said they were not aware of reasons for being treated differently. Investigations by the Times SUNDAY revealed that the residents had, in the past months, received a stable supply of water.


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