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MBABANE – The textile industry continues to lower the burden of unemployment in the country as more firms have opened up job opportunities for locals.

Even though they were not specific on the exact number that they needed, six of the firms, which focus on garment production and operate at the Matsapha Industrial Sites, confirmed that they needed machinists and helpers.
This will definitely come as good news as most textile firms employees were affected after the companies stopped exporting their products to the United States of America (USA) following the country’s removal from the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA).

One of the firms which has opened doors for interested locals is Fashion International, which has been running an announcement on radio calling for skilled machinists.
A supervisor, who asked not to be named, confirmed that they were hiring in order to fill up vacant spaces.
“Usually, when we close for holidays, some of the people leave and not come back so we have to fill up those spaces. We cannot say the specific number but we are looking at employing Swazis. They should just come with their certificates and we will test their capabilities,” she said.

Another textile firm which was contacted by this newspaper was Leo Garments where they confirmed that they were looking at employing interested locals.
“It would be too early to say the number that we want because we know that it is difficult since most of the firms are also hiring. 20 would be better and 50 would be even better. In most instances, we find ourselves having to train the people ourselves so we encourage those who have the skills to come,” a supervisor said.

At Great Spring, a supervisor, who identified herself as Bella, said they needed machinists due to the fact that they were on the verge of opening a new line in garment production.


“Opening a new line means that we will need over 30 machinists so those that know the job can come. A new line means that we bring in new sewing machines so the process needs employees to do the job,” she said.
Other firms which were visited by this newspaper include Far East International and New Life Garments where it was also confirmed that jobs were available for interested machinists.
The notice at New Life even specified that those who had previously worked for the company before for over one year were going to be paid an increased rate.

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