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MANZINI – A man stands accused of attempting to wipe out his whole family through forcing them to drink petrol.

Mvimbi Ginindza is said to have forced his wife to drink the inflammable liquid and had intentions to force it down the throat of his minor.

However, the 18-month-old baby could only watch in trauma as her father, who had drank the petrol, forcefully opened her mother’s mouth and forced her to down the liquid in an alleged bid to kill her. The minor was spared from drinking the liquid after the mother raised the alarm and neighbours hurriedly came to their rescue.

As a result, Ginindza, a welder by profession, who is in his late 30s, has been arrested by the police and charged with attempted murder.
The incident is said to have unfolded at Musi, situated at Mankayane last weekend.
Information gathered is that Ginindza had been informed by neighbours and other residents that his wife Bahle Fakudze was involved in adulterous relationships with different men.

Statements recorded by the police also revealed that Ginindza had approached Fakudze about the rumours, however, she flatly denied them. 
An argument ensued after the confrontation and Ginindza allegedly grabbed a five-litre plastic container which had the petrol inside, pulled out a box of matches and boldly told his wife that he wanted the three of them, including the child to die.
Relatives revealed that the petrol was used for generators that were used by the family to supply power.

When Ginindza forcefully grabbed Fakudze, who had the child on her back, she tried fighting him and he was overpowered. She immediately pulled the child from the back and threw her out of the house, through the door.


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