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  LOBAMBA – In an unprecedented move, Nkilongo MP Hans Steffen yesterday displayed an array of products made from cannabis, as he successfully moved a motion calling his colleagues to look into conditions of granting a special licence for the commercial growth of marijuana.

From olive oil, shampoo, carpets, milk and insulators which the MP carried into the House of Assembly in a shopping bag, Steffen said the committee should look into the issue of the licence for purposes of medicinal and industrial use and table a report within eight weeks.

“I haven’t said much in four years and we all had many plans when we came here, and I am sure that getting the elderly only E400 was not one of them,” he said. He highlighted that he had just paid E500 lunch for three people and said the decisions that MPs now made had to be 2022 oriented instead of 1922.  He said the granting of such licences would ensure that the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was doubled.

“Sugar cane turnover is E64 000 per hectare yet the turnover on cannibas is E1.2 million per hectare and we are sitting on a natural resource which is our gold or oil,” said Steffen.
He said he hoped that the 10th Parliament would be bold enough to make difficult decisions so that they would be known as the Parliament that had made a difference.  He said the 10th Parliament should not be scared to make such bold decisions, change the economy and not even drive Dubais.

As an example, he said such changes were being made in Israel as medicinal marijuana in capsule pills were being made, and unfortunately his father had died because of chemical medicines.
He said organic medicine was the way to go and that the country needed a biodiversity centre where even hair products could be manufactured. “This is a sensitive issue to talk about and at the moment people are still thinking 1922, but I just want to highlight that at USA Distillers they make whisky out of maize.”  He said he was concerned that out of the marula tree (umganu) people made so many products such as the Swazi Secrets, which produced oils, sweets and chocolates yet another tree was being discriminated against.

“We can make our own army uniforms from this product and I want to highlight that the first Bible was written on hemp paper,” said Steffen.
He said many people were illegally visiting Swaziland to steal the hemp and make their own products which they could sell to the country.

Steffen said the region of Kwazulu-Natal (KZN) had already legalised some transactions of marijuana at the end of last year.
He said the milk made out of cannibas was already selling at E100 and that this movement was referred to as the green rush as opposed to the gold rush.  Steffen said he was not calling for the plant to be legalised but that its uses be considered legal such as it was in other countries like Israel, Mauritius and parts of America.

“We have to be brave because this plant is 26 per cent more profitable than sugar and as the 10th Parliament we have to be reminded of our bravery,” he said.

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