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PIGG’S PEAK – Appalling was the one word used by social workers to describe the living conditions of a two-year-old who has since been taken away to safety.

When the social workers were called to inspect the living conditions of a two-year-old boy who resides with his father, nothing could have prepared them for what they saw inside the house.

The minor shared a tiny filthy room with chickens, scattered with clothes and unwashed kitchen utensils. An unlit fireplace was also within the room, which was presumed to be a kitchen, judging from the other utensils found inside. A makeshift bed with dirty blankets was found on the side and that is where the minor is said to sleep.

Armed with a court order, social workers took away the baby after concerns that he was living in deplorable conditions with his father.
Steven Mwale, whose wife had briefly left the homestead following a dispute between the two, had been living with his two-year-old son alone but members of the community were not pleased with this arrangement.

A local caregiver also known as umnakekeli quickly went to the house to inspect the condition of the minor but she was equally shocked. It was after this that she then reported the matter to the Pigg’s Peak Social Welfare department. She is said to have expressed concern that the baby was living in very poor conditions and that he would sometimes go for long hours without food.
The caregiver further informed the social workers about the mother’s absence at the homestead, something which she said made the situation worse for the boy.

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