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MANZINI – In a fit of anger and alleged self-defence, a woman poured boiling water on her husband, who was rushed to a private clinic where he was admitted for weeks.

Phumaphi Agnes Sacolo (49) of Sankolweni alleged that her businessman husband, Patrick Sacolo, had always abused her, both physically and emotionally. She alleged that the abuse started in 2012 when they both started a forestry business in Pigg’s Peak. She is represented by former senior magistrate Leo Dlamini, who now runs his own practise.

Phumaphi alleged that in 2015, while she was at her home at Sigombeni, her husband returned home and assaulted her for failing to attend a church service. She alleged that the businessman poured some holy water on her. “He then strangled me and threw me on the ground, assaulting me in the process while our children watched. I sustained injuries to my eye and knee and had to be attended to in hospital. When the recent incident occurred, my husband had returned from church and sent the house helper to call me in my bedroom as he wanted us to talk. I told the helper to inform him that we would talk in the morning,” Phumaphi alleged.

The incident happened on May 17, 2017. She alleged that Patrick came to her bedroom door and knocked as it was locked. She also alleged that Patrick got angry as she was refusing to open the door and started kicking it, breaking it into half. “I did not know what he was carrying. However, I knew that if he gained entry, he would kill me as he had always been violent. Since I had been boiling water, preparing to bath, I spontaneously took the kettle and emptied it on my husband,” Phumaphi alleged.

After the incident, Phumaphi allegedly handed herself over to the police after calling the Royal Swaziland Police (RSP) toll free line 999. “I was arrested by the Manzini police after I had spent the night at a community police member’s house. My husband was aggressive and violent towards me, I was defending myself on the day as I knew he wanted to assault me. He had threatened to kill me several times,” she alleged.

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