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MBABANE – Maidens who will attend this year’s Umhlanga Reed Dance ceremony have every reason to smile as they would be pampered with exciting goodies worth about E8 million during the event.

This will be courtesy of the Republic of China on Taiwan which has donated money to the tune of US$D 601 400, which is about E8 million for the purchase of items to cater for the needs of the maidens. It has been gathered that the items include back packs, t-shirts, sanitary pads and others.

The gift was presented yesterday at the embassy by the Ambassador of the Republic of China on Taiwan Thomas Chen to the Imbali Foundation in the presence of the Minister of Home Affairs Princess Tsandzile. Accepting the gift, the minister mentioned that it made the Imbali Foundation a record holder of funds received from a single source to any foundation in the kingdom.

According to the minister, such a kind gesture underlined the importance that the embassy attached to the Swazi culture and its evolution as a developing nation. “Your contribution to the country’s development is immense and your continued support will ensure that His Majesty’s dream of attaining first world status is realised, resulting in improved standards of living for the country’s citizens,” the minister said.

The minister assured the embassy that the money would be spent appropriately and that when the Imbali, who are beneficiaries of the generous support are commissioned by Their Majesty’s to cut the reed they would feel the generosity of the people of the Republic of China on Taiwan.

She highlighted that the country had not forgotten how the same embassy assisted in the purchase of sneakers for the event last year, which made the whole event a resounding success. “It is therefore my fervent hope that the forthcoming event will be a greater success with the surprise package as we will be able to put together with your support,” the minister said.

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