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image The chicken shed where the young girl’s body was found hanging.

MAKHONZA – Apparently frustrated after she got into trouble with her parents, a teenage girl committed suicide by hanging herself inside a chicken shed at a neighbour’s homestead on Friday.

Police said the schoolgirl was found dead by the neighbour at around 10am.
The shocking incident occurred at Makhonza, about 10km to the east of Nhlangano in the Shiselweni Region.
It is still not clear why the 14-year-old girl was in trouble with her parents, but reports from residents suggest the teenager had initially got permission to leave home on Thursday under the pretext that she was going to collect firewood with a certain woman from the area.

However, it later transpired that the firewood story could have been an alibi meant to facilitate a meeting with a male friend in the area.
Interviewed residents believe that the girl’s parents might have got a hint of the situation, and subsequently rebuked her for her behaviour.

She was last seen at home on Thursday, a day prior to the discovery of her unresponsive body.
The horrific discovery came about when a man who was returning from cutting logs in the veld heard some funny sounds coming from the chicken shed.

The man, who was aware that mice were problematic at the shack, said what raised his curiosity was the intensity of the noise. Feeling something amiss, the man thought it couldn’t be the rodents. So, he immediately yelled for others to come so that they could go and investigate.

Other men who were in the vicinity reportedly responded to the call and went to ascertain what the problem was. Once inside the shack they looked up, and their worst fears were confirmed when they saw the lifeless body of the teenager hanging from a rope.
On the floor, and just below the dangling body, the men also found a water container which the girl is suspected to have used to climb on in order to reach to the rafters.


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