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LOBAMBA – Biblical verses were thrown around as Members of Parliament (MPs) finally debated the report on the Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Bill.

A majority of the MPs supported the adoption of the report, including the four contentious clauses which had earlier caused an uproar after the Deputy Prime Minister’s (DPMs) Portfolio Committee had suggested that they be removed. The clauses were unlawful stalking, flashing, abduction and incest. Dvokodvweni MP Sitezi Dlamini cited Corinthians1:7 as he justified that there was nothing like marital rape. He said the Bible stated that no wife had a right over her body and the same applied to the husband. MP Sitezi said the Bible provided that if there was a break between the couple, such should not be long and they must get back to each other. He said the spirit of the Book was sacrifice from each party which in SiSwati he said meant ‘mnike’.

However, Somntongo MP Sandile Nxumalo, who was also said to be a pastor, said verse five of the same book said there should be an agreement. “Sexual intercourse is more psychological than physical and if you force someone to engage in this act, what are you trying to achieve?,” wondered Nxumalo. This was after Mntfongwaneni MP Mjuluko Dlamini had wondered how the clause on marital rape had been reinstated because they had agreed that it should be scrapped. Speaking before a public gallery packed with women from various constituencies was Mhlangatane MP Mbalekelwa Ndwandwe, who said he supported the report and Bill fully.
He said people, particularly men, should learn how to properly approach a lady and propose love without stalking them. “I am not the most handsome looking man, but I can guarantee you I know how to charm a lady and those men who struggle in that department should come for lessons,”  said Ndwandwe.

He admitted that some women were hard to ignore because ‘females have a natural magic’, but said it was crucial that men knew how to approach ladies without harassing them. Ndwandwe said parents should also take care of their children and know where they acquired expensive items like laptops, from. Maphalaleni MP Mabulala Maseko said he was more than happy that the Bill would finally be passed as he had personally been a victim of being stalked. “This one woman was on my case and I even wondered what she would do if my wife was there. but I am now glad that we can also report women for stalking,” said Maseko. Matsanjeni South MP Sikiza Mhlungu said he was happy that the Bill would see the light of day. He said the clause on abduction was very crucial because lately, people abused the kuteka custom under the pretext that they were marrying them, yet they were abducting young girls.

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