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MBABANE – A maid has been arrested for attempting to kill her love rival after allegedly finding her having sexual intercourse with her husband.

Nkhomotabo Lukhele, of Nhlambeni, is alleged to have assaulted Philile Manana by hacking her with a slasher several times all over the body and now stands charged with attempted murder. In her application for bail, she stated that she would plead not guilty to the charges laid against her because she acted in the heat of passion due to the planned provocation by the complainant. She told the court that she saw the complainant entering her house with her husband Vusi Dlamini and this confirmed the rumours that had been doing rounds in the Nhlambeni community to the effect that the complainant was having an affair with her husband. “Upon seeing that, I quickly rushed to my homestead to have a clear sight of the duo as I was at a neighbouring where I work as a helper. To my surprise, I found that it was the complainant and my husband and they were in a compromising position in the bedroom,” she stated. The accused said she lost her cool at that moment and further enquired about the presence of the complainant from her husband and she alleged they both conceded that indeed they were having a secret intimate affair behind her back. She claimed that through reflex action and extreme anger, she found herself assaulting the complainant for her actions while she was also vigorously retaliating.


“I humbly seek this court’s indulgence for my actions as I am advised and verily believe that it is wrong to take the law into my hands. I acted in a fit of rage due to the provocation by the complainant,” argued the accused. She went on to inform the court that the relationship of the complainant and her husband was well-known in the community but that she had never had any conclusive evidence personally until the fateful day. The accused averred that she had not planned what eventually transpired on the day in question. She contended that her continued incarceration had serious repercussions to her and her family as she left a critically sick child who needed her care as her mother. It was further her submission that her continued incarceration might lead to the loss of her (child) life as she was with no one to provide the extra care she needed in the circumstances. In her application, which has been filed under a certificate of urgency, she submitted that the matter was urgent in that her liberty was suffering great prejudice.


“My employment as a nanny is currently at stake and I am on the verge of losing the job due to absenteeism, since being absent from duty is treated as a serious offence, punishable by dismissal,” she stated. She argued that she was a Swazi citizen with deep emotional and family roots in this country and had two children and siblings who were solely dependent on her for their livelihood.  Lukhele is represented by Thabo Dlamini from Dlamini Kunene Associates in Manzini and the matter will be heard tomorrow.

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