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BIG BEND – Parents at Big Bend High School have complained that the school administration has not taken decisive action against a teacher, who conducts lessons while allegedly under the influence of alcohol.

They are accusing the school administration of protecting the teacher; something they say violates general rules and regulations, which govern schools and the conduct of teachers.
The parents have handed over a list of 16 questions to the school administration and they are demanding responses immediately. One of the questions pertains to the issue of the male teacher, who allegedly comes to school in a questionable state of sobriety.

“Thishela lota lapha esikolweni adzakiwe? (A teacher who comes to school drunk),” reads one of the questions that were scripted in vernacular.
According to some of the parents, a formal complaint was lodged with the school administration about the conduct of the teacher sometime ago, but the administration had allegedly dragged its feet in addressing the matter.
“It is obvious that they are protecting one of their own, yet by doing so, they are feeding our children poison,” said a parent. The parents are further accusing the same teacher of insulting some parents, who reportedly confronted him about his alleged unbecoming conduct.

According to the list of questions handed over to the school administration by the parents, the teacher allegedly told the parents who confronted him that they were insane.
The parents are further accusing the same teacher of failing in his duties to discipline some boys, who were allegedly spotted drinking liquor just next to the school premises.
“The boys were carrying liquor right in front of the teacher but he did nothing, not even to reprimand them,” said a parent. Head teacher at Big Bend High School, Lindiwe Zwane, disputed that there was a teacher who conducted lessons while under the influence of alcohol at the school.

She, however, acknowledged that there was a male teacher at the school who was once accused of coming to school with a hangover.
“I wrote him a letter and he responded, promising to refrain from what he had been accused of. From there, we monitored him and nothing has happened since then,” said Zwane.
On the allegations that the teacher insulted parents, Zwane said she was not aware of that matter.
The meeting was not sanctioned by the school committee and, as such, there was commotion at the start of the meeting.
However, the meeting eventually proceeded but police had to be called to maintain peace.

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