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MBABANE – Revealed; 77 senior civil servants benefitted from the secret pay rise that was spearheaded by the Ministry of Public Service.

This is contained in Establishment Circular Number 2 of 2017 titled ‘Corrections of various Cadres Grade Overlaps and Grades’ which the Times SUNDAY have see,; government recognised the challenges inherent in a number of posts relativities and had found it appropriate to correct the situation through the circular in question.

The circular came into effect on August 1, 2017 and all the identified officers for these substantial increases received back pay from the stated date. According to reports carried by one of our sister publications, the officers have already received the bountiful windfall that has been afforded through the so-called restructuring process that government implemented.
As such, also affixed to the circular dated August 2017, was the method of conversion which was a transfer from the previous grade and notch to a new grade and first notch.

It was also stated that all officers who would leave the service after the effective date of the establishment circular, prior to receiving the prescribed salary envisaged adjustments, would, on application, be paid up to the last day of their service. “While every effort has been made in this circular to cover all matters that could arise from its implementation, it is accepted that errors and omissions may occur,” further reads the circular.

In this regard, it was stated that principal secretaries and heads of departments were expected to ensure that any omissions, errors and anomalies that may be noted in respect of the changes be reported to Evart Madlopha, who is the Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Public Service.

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