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SITEKI – There was drama post the municipal elections in Siteki when an elections officer was stabbed during clashes between supporters of a victorious candidate.

Ncamiso Ndwandwe was treated and discharged at Good Shepherd Hospital and is currently recuperating at home. He was one of the elections officers who were engaged by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development to facilitate the voting process, and he was based at the Siteki Red Cross polling station. Ndwandwe suffered one serious wound to his shoulder and minor cuts to the right hand but doctors assured him that the injuries were not very serious.
According to Ndwandwe, he was stabbed allegedly by supporters of newly-elected Ward Six Councillor, Xolani Bhekumuzi Ngomane, who is also a businessman. He said this was during a post- election victory party hosted by Ngomane. However, he stated, that he had not attended the party. Narrating his ordeal, Ndwandwe said he was walking home in the early hours of yesterday, when he overheard a voice calling him in a nearby homestead.
He stated that he responded and soon realised that he knew the person who was calling him. Ndwandwe said when he got to the homestead, he found the man peeping through a window of one of the houses. He said the man told him that he was from the victory party that had been hosted by Ngomane, adding that his wife had disappeared.

“He told me that there was someone inside the house who was sleeping with his wife, adding that he wanted me to be a witness,” said Ndwandwe. He said the man then started knocking and a male voice responded. He stated that, after some time, the man who was inside the house bolted out of the room, leaving them astonished. “Apparently, he realised that it was the husband of the woman he was with who was knocking hence he fled,” added Ndwandwe. Ndwandwe said the man then went into the room to talk to his wife, demanding answers on why she was in a compromising position with the man who had earlier bolted. He said while they were talking, a group of men from the party arrived and demanding to know what was happening. Ndwandwe suspects that the people who arrived had been called by the man who had earlier bolted out of the house. He identified one of the people as the chief campaigning officer of the victorious candidate, whose name is known to this publication but it has been withheld because he could not be reached for comment. Ndwandwe said while he was waiting outside, the campaigning manager grabbed the man, who had come to fetch his wife, and allegedly started assaulting him.

“I intervened and tried to stop them from beating him but they also attacked me. As I was facing the other direction, I felt a sharp object piercing through my skin, in the left shoulder. Immediately, I knew I had been stabbed and I quickly fled the scene and moved towards home,” said Ndwandwe. He said when he arrived home; his father quickly rushed him to hospital. Chief Police Information and Communications Officer, Superintendent Khulani Mamba said police were aware of the matter, adding that they were investigating a case of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm (GBH).

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