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MBABANE – He allegedly took advantage that she was paraplegic, removed her disposable nappy, covered her mouth with a piece of cloth and proceeded to rape her.

This is a poignant story of a 23-year-old bedridden woman who was allegedly raped by a community police member at Mpolonjeni in Mbabane. Paraplegic is a medical word for a person who is paralysed from the waist down. If you’re paraplegic, you can’t move your legs or anything below the waist, and you have no feeling in those areas either. The community police member, Kenneth Cololemdlwana Ginindza, was initially part of a team of community police members who attended the complainant after she was allegedly raped by her neighbour. Ginindza is reported to have after some time returned to the complainant’s homestead where she proceeded to rape her in her sick bed. In her evidence, the complainant alleged that on the day of the incident, she was at home alone sitting on a mattress since she could not walk. She alleged that the accused came into the house and drew closer to her. According to the complainant, Ginindza then removed her pants and the disposal nappy she was wearing and proceeded to rape her. 

According to the complainant, after the accused had finished raping her, he remained in the house for a while and then left after some time. The complainant is reported to have then reported the matter to a maid who looks after her.
In the summary of evidence annexed to the indictment, it is stated that the matter was then reported to the complainant’s grandmother, who then reported it to another community police member, Philemon Madolo. In her evidence in chief, the maid, who looked after the complainant, alleged that she found Ginindza kissing the complainant. “When I came back from fetching water, I found the accused kissing the complainant and I chased him away,” reads part of the maid’s evidence. She further alleged that she then left the homestead. On July 2, 2013, she came back and found the complainant crying.  The complainant allegedly told her that the accused had raped her again. 
The maid said she then went to report the matter to the complainant’s grandmother. The complainant’s grandmother, who is also one of the Crown’s witnesses, alleged that Ginindza came to her homestead and showed her his private parts.

She mentioned that while Ginindza was showing her his private parts, he told her that he wanted to have sexual intercourse with her. “The accused then went to the house where the complainant stays. “I followed the accused whom I found sitting next to the complainant and I chased him away,” reads part of the grandmother’s statement. She told the court that she then got a report that the complainant had been raped by the accused. To prove its case beyond reasonable doubt against the accused, the Crown will parade six witnesses. According to the Crown, the rape is accompanied by aggravating circumstances in that the accused stood in locus parentis over the complainant as he was a community police member and allegedly abused the trust relationship. It is further alleged that the accused exposed the complainant to sexually transmitted diseases like HIV and AIDS as he did not use a condom.

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