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MBABANE – A woman of Mankayane is suing her former lover for over E250 000 after he allegedly assaulted her.

Nobuntu Xaba alleged that Mathokoza Msane, who is employed by Mother Trucks in Matsapha, assaulted her with an iron rod on her rib-cage and waist area. When the incident happened, the couple’s relationship was reportedly still at its flourishing stages. In her particulars of claim filed at the High Court, Xaba mentioned that Msane also hit her in the face with open hands and fists and proceeded to kick her all over the body. The incident allegedly took place at Msane’s place at Mbikwakhwe on May 1, 2017. Through her lawyer Sabelo Mngomezulu, Xaba has since issued combined summons against her former boyfriend where she is demanding the payment of E250 500. In her particulars of claim, she stated that as a result of the alleged assault by Msane, she had to undergo medical treatment at the Mbabane Government Hospital. She mentioned that due to the assault, she sustained permanent bruises, scars and her eyes were bloodshot for weeks.

Annexed to Xaba’s particulars of claim are different  pictures showing the nature of the injuries she sustained allegedly at the hands of the man she said she expected to protect her. The money which Xaba is now demanding from Msane is in respect of pain and suffering, medical expenses, permanent scarification and trauma. These are allegation contained in particulars of claim whose veracity is still to be tested and the respondent (Msane) is yet to file his papers in the event he is opposing the claim. Xaba mentioned that notwithstanding lawful demand, Msane failed; neglected and/or refused to pay her, and the sum of E250 500 was now due, owing and payable. The matter is still pending in court.
Most personal injury lawsuits are filed over accidents like a slip and fall or a car crash. But, in some cases, the action that caused the harm was intentional rather than accidental. In the context of personal injury law, ‘assault’ and ‘battery’ are intentional torts (wrongs) that can form the basis of a lawsuit in civil court.

In a typical case, the victim of an assault and/or battery sues the offender, seeking compensation for injuries and other damages stemming from the incident. When an assault requires hospitalisation and extensive medical attention, a personal injury lawsuit may be the best way for the victim to get reimbursement for medical bills and compensation for things like pain and suffering.

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